Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Philosophy is such an interesting thing. 1) because of the infinite number of philosophies that there are, and 2) because of the stark differences between the many philosophies. I have been thinking about truth a lot lately, just because of some conversations I've had.... how it really is completely unchangeable. How it is not a matter of opinion or a relative term depending on the situation. What is true in the past is true now and will be in the future. It will never be different. So with all the ideas floating around out there, if they are conflicting, one or the other has to be right. People may have differing interests, likes and dislikes, etc. but when it comes down to the philosophies of religion and spirituality, there really can't be any divisions in terms of what is the truth. So it's up to us to find it I guess! What a task right? :)

"Truth is objective—It is the same for everyone, regardless of how one may view it or whether they believe it or not."


Candace said...

Hey, I really liked this. I really like the quote at the bottom too. It is so hard to grasp that every version of a story being told is wrong. Everything is tainted by perception. It is interesting to look back at my life and see that my take on it is wrong. It is interesting to try to see things from the point of views of children and teenagers and their parents and to have to decide who to favor. It is sad that I am still not in control of my passions, so my view is still skewed.

Candace said...

Who is the quote from, by the way?