Saturday, July 5, 2008

Simple things

So my husband said today as we were driving down I-355, "You just have to find the beauty in the little things, even a highway overpass--somebody made that!" It's so true! As children, it is natural for us to be awed by the simple things in life, but as we grow older, I think we lose that. I'm grateful to my husband for reminding me to stop and think about the truly marvelous things we have in this world, and to be awed and thankful for them.

"That which we look for, we will see."

1 comment:

Shelley Graham said...

I love this blog, Leah. I'm so happy to read it - I totally agree, that we need more positive thinking. I feel that especially as the mother of three crazy kids. Sometimes I focus so much on "surviving" and "making it through the day" that I forget how wonderful this time of my life is. Thanks for that reminder. (Do you mind if I link your blog on mine? If, someday I get around to putting up my favorite links, that is. I've been meaning to do it forever and just haven't had the time!) :)