Thursday, July 17, 2008


The past week or so has been a difficult one for me in terms of keeping contentment and peace in our home. This is partly due to kids acting up.... but also partly due to me not handling situations in quite the way that I anticipated myself doing so before I had children.... ;) Sometimes children can be very hard to deal with and I have found that I am not at all adequate to think I know what is best for them. I have to had to pray many times and put forth lots of self control to be patient. It has not always worked, but I know that we must keep trying everyday to the best we can. And Heavenly Father knows our efforts. I know that having children is part of His plan for us. They are special spirits and they depend on us for direction, love, and setting boundaries. This is a very difficult mix of things and the recipe for the amounts of each is different for every situation. And taking a parenting class in college somehow doesn't equate.... :) Anyway, life is a constant challenge as a parent, seeing weaknesses in yourself, trying everyday to do better; experimenting with everything if something doesn't work (and then of course what works for one child never works for the other) :) But this is Heavenly Father's plan for us FOR A REASON! He knows our children better than we do. He knows what it's like to have hard children and He will give us the strength to keep trying. We can make it!! :)

Here are some good quotes I found about children:

All children behave as well as they are treated.

Kids spell love T-I-M-E.

Praise your children openly, reprehend them secretly.

If there is anything that we wish to change in the child, we should first examine it and see whether it is not something that could better be changed in ourselves.

Parents need to fill a child's bucket of self-esteem so high that the rest of the world can't poke enough holes to drain it dry.

Children need love, especially when they do not deserve it.

To be in your children's memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today.

If you want your children to improve, let them overhear the nice things you say about them to others.

Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.

Your children need your presence more than your presents.

"It is our solemn duty, our precious privilege—even our sacred opportunity—to welcome to our homes and to our hearts the children who grace our lives. They should not be seen as burdens or stumbling blocks to our own happiness, but pathways to it! Let there be love at home. Let there be tenderness and teaching and caring for and not a shifting of responsibility onto others. God grant that we may never be too busy to do the things that matter most."

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Yesterday we went to the Morton Arboretum. How incredibly beautiful that place is!! The people who work on that are so gifted. I'm so thankful for the beauties of this world. This earth really is one of the most amazing gifts. It is miraculous in so many ways. "...all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator."

How true!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Philosophy is such an interesting thing. 1) because of the infinite number of philosophies that there are, and 2) because of the stark differences between the many philosophies. I have been thinking about truth a lot lately, just because of some conversations I've had.... how it really is completely unchangeable. How it is not a matter of opinion or a relative term depending on the situation. What is true in the past is true now and will be in the future. It will never be different. So with all the ideas floating around out there, if they are conflicting, one or the other has to be right. People may have differing interests, likes and dislikes, etc. but when it comes down to the philosophies of religion and spirituality, there really can't be any divisions in terms of what is the truth. So it's up to us to find it I guess! What a task right? :)

"Truth is objective—It is the same for everyone, regardless of how one may view it or whether they believe it or not."

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Just something I was pondering.... trials seem unfair sometimes, but I have always been taught that they were for our good and that we would grow stronger because of them. It's like that quote, boiling water hardens eggs and softens potatoes... so which are we? :) I told my friend the other day, "I think having a lack of trials is in and of itself, a trial." Because really, you remain weak. Interesting thing to think about right? Any thoughts?

Deep thinking

I had a really amazing conversation with a good friend of mine last night. We were talking about lots of different things, God, the way he works with people, death, sin, heaven, etc. Yes it was pretty deep! We said next time we'll have to talk about baby clothes or our favorite flavors of ice cream or something :) But it was really interesting to me, as we talked, to note how God works with all of His children. Sometimes it's really easy to believe that God doesn't exist because of the horrible things that happen in the world. But in talking with my friend, I realized that there is so much we do not see. We have no idea the many times or ways that God may be working in people's lives. We may not even realize how much He helps us in our own lives until we look back and realize He was with us all along. It makes me think of that poem "Footprints". Believing that God is there in our trials is a much better alternative than believing there is no one watching over us. Because evil does exist and I'd rather believe that there is a being who will bring justice in the end; One who is the true judge of the whole world. I know that God loves each one of us, that He knows us personally, and that He gives us the strength to handle any trial that may come our way. Miracles do happen and people can be strengthened through hard times.

"My God hath been my support he hath led me through mine afflictions in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the waters of the great deep.
He hath filled me with his love even unto the consuming of my flesh.
He hath confounded mine enemies unto the causing of them to quake before me.
Behold, he hath heard my cry by day, and he hath given me knowledge by visions in the night-time.
And by day have I waxed bold in mighty prayer before him; yea, my voice have I sent up on high; and angels came down and ministered unto me."

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Simple things

So my husband said today as we were driving down I-355, "You just have to find the beauty in the little things, even a highway overpass--somebody made that!" It's so true! As children, it is natural for us to be awed by the simple things in life, but as we grow older, I think we lose that. I'm grateful to my husband for reminding me to stop and think about the truly marvelous things we have in this world, and to be awed and thankful for them.

"That which we look for, we will see."

Friday, July 4, 2008


The 4th of July is awesome!!! How grateful and indebted I am to those men and women who risked and gave their lives so we could have so many wonderful things in this country. What an incredible blessing! I can't help but think about God and the love He must have for us in giving so many the courage and strength to overcome opposition and fight for the good. It makes me want to do the same right now! I truly see God's hand in the birth of our country. I know He inspired our forefathers with knowledge and wisdom (two different things) :) We are a blessed nation. I am so thankful that I could be blessed enough to live in America and be a part of such a great and noble history. I will always be grateful to God for leading and guiding this country, and for those of His children who fought for our freedom!

"Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ...."

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


So I was inspired today to concentrate on the good in the world instead of being constantly weighed down by the incessant barrage of depressing news stories. And I decided to make blog of good and happy things that happen to me or others I come in contact with. I'll probably throw in some quotes and other things that are uplifting, inspiring, etc. If for only me, this is just intended to be a "day" or even "life" brightener for anyone who reads. And hey, maybe something on here will inspire you to change something or be better in some way, etc. (you fill in the etc.) :) Enjoy!