Sunday, June 28, 2020

People Can Be Flawed and Amazing at the Same Time

Mankind is amazing. Since the beginning of time, many brilliant and determined people have helped evolve societies and created advancements in science, technology, business, and government. Much good has been done but I think in some ways, ways that may be deeply important to the future of our country, we have regressed. In recent years, even in recent days, we have seen a shift in what is valued in our society. Emotions, whims, impulses, disorder, chaos, fear, blame, generalization, rationalization-- these have taken precedence over truth, order, individual responsibility, accountability, forgiveness, grace, charity, peace, and faith. It seems the world is in turmoil and chaos. Divisiveness in our nation seems to be at an all time high, even with professions of tolerance and unity. Could it be that we create more intolerance and division by so intensely focusing on the lack of these things? Do we inadvertently become more angry, bitter, and intolerant by screaming and demanding that everyone else be loving and peaceful? Change cannot come by demanding it; it cannot come by screaming for it, rioting for it, or silencing others for it. True change comes when thoughtful, intentional dialogue can take place. When both sides see the other as equals--equal in human value, in validity of thought, and worthy of kindness and love. The media and social media world is a terrible ground on which to build this line of thinking. Rational, calm and well-thought out conversations seem to be in short supply these days. And it’s because more and more people are becoming less rational, less calm, and less well-thought out in their own ideas and conclusions. Why? Why are more and more people unwilling to do research for themselves, or to listen to opposing thoughts and opinions? Why are feelings and biases more important than truth? Media is certainly part of it. But I also think it’s  because it’s EASY. Finding truth is hard, being willing to be wrong is hard. And our human brains by default don’t like that--we like to do what is fast, convenient, and easy.  It is easy to just read news headlines and social media posts and take them as fact. It’s easy to just jump on a bandwagon of thought and stay there. In a wagon you get to ride everywhere--why get off and walk, run, or push? That’s too hard. And hard is just not acceptable in our society. So we will force everyone to change any thought or idea that makes it “harder” for someone else. And all in the name of unity. But it seems we have a new standard of unity: that everyone must agree on a belief system that is set forth by a certain visible and loud group of people. And if you don’t comply with this narrative then you are insensitive, intolerant, and cruel. Except, how can you force unity? Isn’t the group doing the forcing then exhibiting the very things they want others to stop doing? How can you be tolerant while being intolerant of other belief systems? How can you be kind when your standard of kindness only extends to those who think the same way as you? How can you be sensitive and understanding when you are not even willing to hear and listen to another human being’s point of view? We talk about not stereotyping, about not putting people into groups, but that very thing is happening when we extrapolate a few people’s bad behavior onto everyone else associated with that group. We are not allowing for individuals to be both amazing and flawed at the same time. We are saying that good and bad cannot exist together, for if we call something bad, it must all be bad. And therefore, the opposing thing must be all good. This pertains to society at large and to individuals. These are grave mistakes we are making in our society. Even people who aren’t alive today are becoming victims of this field of thought. What are the consequences of this? What happens when you believe that good and bad cannot exist in the same sphere? Well, nothing good! If we cannot tolerate human error and weakness on any level, then there is no forgiveness or grace; no learning or growth. And without these things, what attributes can we reasonably expect to foster? Hatred, bitterness, judgement, pride, and destruction. Some feel that we need to tear everything down to build a “better” world. But at what price? This line of thinking can have catastrophic consequences, as we have seen in events in history. 1930s Germany, for example. Did not Hitler believe that there needed to be a cleansing or rebuilding of the world so that evil and imperfection would be rooted out? And what did he breed? The fruits of his “labor” were horrific and fostered nothing but fear and destruction. I hope we are better than this in America. I pray we can be. It starts with us, as individuals--every person taking personal responsibility for what they create and put out into the world. No blame, no rationalization, no excuses. Just a general desire to do good everyday--starting at home. I have faith in God to lead and guide me and my family, and that is where my peace lies. I know He is in charge and that “all that is unfair about life can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.” Be the change you want to see in the world! Don’t just say, shout, write or talk about the change--BE IT.

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