Friday, August 26, 2011


I think the word gift is defined by how you see it. Something as simple as a stranger smiling at you in the store can be a gift--or it can be getting that new job you really wanted. I think the key is to focus on everything as a gift. It's so easy to focus on negative in this world. I have this issue where I don't want to feel too much joy or happiness because I think my life has been too blessed and suddenly I'll have a really huge trial that will shake me so badly I won't know how to pull out. Yes, it's my own lack of faith. We all have our struggles right? I am extremely grateful for the blessings I have in my life. My struggles are those that are not so apparent where as many people have trials that are visible to everyone. But regardless of that, we all have need of our Savior and His infinite Atonement. I know that faith is essential and that it is part of our earthly test to prove to Heavenly Father we will do the right things in the midst of good or bad. I feel like the line between right and wrong has become so blurred and that truth and morality have become matters of personal preference instead of eternal principles. I have been reading the Book of Mormon more intently lately and really feel that this book is a gift from our Heavenly Father. It is a warning voice to us in this day and age to avoid the evils and pitfalls of Satan. He is attacking the truths that are the foundation of Heavenly Father's plan, namely families and the sanctity of life. The devil really is a mastermind at subtlety. This poem says a lot about where things have gone in society:

Vice is a monster of so frightful mien,
As, to be hated, needs but to be seen;
Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace.

I love this because it's so true! We start focusing on the wrong things and failing to see the gifts that we have been given--we only see what we have been "deprived" of. Entitlement and deserve are dangerous words. God has given us so many gifts, yet satisfaction with many aspects of our lives seems at all time low. I was talking with my friend today and we were talking about how the Gospel of Jesus Christ is really the cure to all the ills of the world. This is a gift to us that is rejected by so many because religion is not something to be seen anymore. Apparently freedom from religion has taken precedence over freedom of. It is a gift to be free to practice our beliefs and share our beliefs with others. I am so grateful that I can still do this, even if met with some hostility. Our ancestors fought and gave their lives to protect the freedom of religion. They wanted protection from the government forcing any one religion on the people, but never was it said that religion could not be a part of society and the political arena. Some may say that religion is confining but I say it's freeing. Living God's law can only bring blessings and failing to live it brings misery. Sometimes I feel like shaking people and saying, "Look! Look at this great gift that is in front of you! The Gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored and here it is on the earth--a gift given to us to be happy and receive all the blessings that God wants us to have." God's love is unconditional, but His acceptance is not. Of course there are certain ways we need to live and things we need to do to return to Him--if not, then why are we here? Belief is one things, but showing Him our commitment to Him is unwavering is quite another. Covenants are such great gifts to us as is the blessings of eternal families. Again some may say, He is asking too much of us--God would not want me to be unhappy so He will allow me to believe and live how I want. Just one problem there--why do people think they know what true happiness is more than God? We only have a very limited and earthly perspective, but God knows our eternal worth and potential. Those who have severe burdens or struggles placed upon them here will receive so many blessings in the world to come. God's plan is one of families and reaching our full and divine potential--He wants all of His children to receive this, but how can they if He allows them to follow after their every whim and desire? I know that God's plan for us demands hard things--we need to practice self-control and faith and sacrifices of time, money, etc. But these things are simply a manifestation of our faith and our willingness to prove to Him that we will not settle for less than what He wants for us!

“A religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things never has power sufficient to produce the faith necessary unto life and salvation...." --Joseph Smith

Sometimes I read that and think, "Could I really do that? Sacrifice everything for the Gospel?" Sometimes I don't really know if I have the strength inside of me, but this I do know: that the Gospel of Jesus Christ restored through the prophet Joseph Smith in this, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is TRUE. I know it is true because I have had multiple witnesses of the Spirit confirm to me that it is true. This is the only way we can really know anything--if we are struggling with a certain principle or idea, if we are sincerely seeking to learn of it's validity, we can pray and God will reveal it to us by the power of the Holy Ghost. And knowing that the Gospel is true does give me strength to perform the work and sacrifices that God would have me do. And He doesn't expect us to do all of this alone: He has given us the ultimate gift and that is His Son, Jesus Christ. He has given and given up everything for US because He loves us. But His gift is meaningless if we do not make it meaningful to us. Everyday we need to thankful for this precious gift and let it influence our lives--how we spend our time, how we treat others, etc. And this whole discourse is all for me by the way! :) But I hope that whoever reads this can find some strength and enlightenment as well. I am so grateful for the many gifts I've received in my life and I hope I can live worthy to receive all the blessings that my Heavenly Father has in store for me.


Amanda Tippetts said...

Thanks so much for this post! It has strengthened me.

Shannon said...

This had a lot of good truths and reminders for me today. Thank you for posting this Leah!